Blinds and curtains​
We can integrate any electric blinds and curtains brand in the market with our smart home systems solutions. We are QMotion dealers and installers in London.
Blinds are an integral part of any home and with smart automation, you can control them as you desire or leave them to be managed by the environment around you. Sun warming the room rapidly…don't worry, the system will automatically detect rising heat and the position of the sun to start closing the blinds! Creating a room with the perfect ambiance!
Make the Best of Daylight With Integrated Blind Controls
Lighting at home is not all about lightbulbs. It is absolutely crucial to make the best of the daylight. With our advanced lighting control solutions, we offer you the capability to automatically control your shades as well.
At the sunset, at the click of a button, you can launch the dinner lighting mode; where as all the blinds go down automatically, you are welcomed by soft lighting in your dining room, creating a nice atmosphere.

We are QMotion dealers and Installers in London
QMotion Blinds specialise in providing unique and innovative window covering solutions for the home. QMotion specialises in wire free window treatment solutions with all the benefits of a wired solution but without the need for a qualified electrician to install 240v wiring. The QMotion Blinds solution requires no wiring at all.
Are built with patented counter balancing spring technology, which provides a type of hybrid power to work alongside the readily available and low cost recyclable D cell alkaline batteries that sit within the roller tube assembly. This patented technology means that you simply and easily remove and replace your batteries every 6 to 36 months depending on size and use of the QMotion Blind.